Getting Your Rentals Move-In Ready
Investing in real estate can be a great way to build wealth. In order to ensure that you are able to attract the types of tenants you want renting your properties, you need to take the time to prepare your units prior to taking applications.
Putting your property's best foot forward will help guarantee that you will attract quality tenants to fill your units. Here are three simple tips that you can use to help ensure that your rentals are move-in ready:
1. Make minor repairs.
Even the most conscientious tenants can leave behind a little damage upon moving out. Before you begin searching for new occupants, you need to take the time to make minor repairs within your rental properties.
Doing something as simple as filling in nail holes in the walls or replacing burned out bulbs will help give your rental properties a fresh and appealing aura. You should always plan to make minor repairs as part of the preparation process when renting out a unit in the future.
2. Complete basic upgrades.
In order to ensure that your rental properties bring in as much revenue as possible, you need to take the time to update your units on a regular basis. Updated properties can command top dollar on the rental market, helping you maximize the return on your real estate investment.
Simple upgrades like changing out faucets and light fixtures or adding a contemporary paint color to the walls can easily help your rental properties appeal to as many potential tenants as possible.
3. Invest in deep cleaning.
While most landlords know that a unit must be cleaned before it can be rented out to a new tenant, few take the time to invest in deep cleanings for vacant units. Instead of just vacuuming carpets, mopping tile, and wiping down fixtures, you should conduct a thorough cleaning of your properties as part of the rental preparation process.
Be sure to sanitize major appliances like the dishwasher and washing machine, and thoroughly clean baseboards, cupboards, and ceilings. Deep cleaning will not only eliminate dirt and debris, it will help you identify any repairs that need to be made to keep your property in good condition, allowing your units to become more attractive to potential tenants in the future.
Getting your rental properties move-in ready requires time and effort. Be sure that you are presenting your rental properties in the best light by making necessary repairs, investing in simple upgrades, and engaging in deep cleaning activities between tenants. Contact local residential property management services for more information and assistance.