A Few Tips For Keeping Your Carpet Clean Between Professional Cleanings Without Using Chemicals
Keeping your carpets clean can be a real chore when you have pets or small children in the house. Of course, you also need to consider the fact that they are closer to the ground and spend a lot of time sitting or lying on the floor. Using chemical laden cleaning can be harmful to respiratory systems, may cause skin irritations, and could damage other organs or systems in the body. This means you need to find ways to clean up stains and embedded dirt without using the cleaning products most common on the market. Here are a few tips for keeping your carpets clean between professional deep cleanings.
Wipe and Vacuum
The first step to maintaining clean carpets is to wipe up any spills as they happen. Of course, this is not always possible as your kids seem to spill things while you are not looking and then hide them. In these situations, you will need to soak the area with clear, warm water to loosen any dried sugar (most drinks that stain will have a lot of sugar in them), and then blot it up. Once dry, vacuum the area. In fact, if you missed a spill and it has dried, it has probably been long enough between vacuuming and you should just do the whole floor.
Spot Clean
When dirt and dust add to any spill stains, you should spot clean the area. This can be done with a solution made of ½ cup of white vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt. Gently rub the solution into the spot, allow it to dry, and then vacuum the area.
Steam Cleaning Machine
When the area is large or very dirty, you can rent a steam cleaning machine. You do not need to buy the recommended solution that contains chemicals but use a homemade cleanser instead. In many cases, the steam alone will loosen the dirt and stain so it can be picked up by the machine. However, it is important that you do not put too much water into the carpet or it may soak into the pad and create a nice place for mold and mildew to grow.
No matter how you care for your carpets it is a good idea to have them professionally cleaned at least once a year. However, be sure to contact a company that offers green cleaning instead of one that uses toxic chemicals to protect your family and continue with your practices. For more information, contact companies like AAA Carpet Care.